Complex numbers are often used when dealing with alternating current (AC) circuits. In the equation V = IZ, V is voltage, I is current, and Z is a value known as impedance. If V = 1+i and Z=2-$, find I.



multipy num and denom by 2+j

To find the current (I), we need to rearrange the equation V = IZ and solve for I.

V = 1 + i (Complex number representing voltage)
Z = 2 - $ (Complex number representing impedance)

Let's substitute the values into the equation V = IZ:

1 + i = I(2 - $)

Now, let's distribute I to each term inside the parentheses:

1 + i = 2I - I$

To isolate I, let's move the terms involving I to the left side:

2I - I$ = 1 + i

Next, let's group the terms involving I on the left side:

(2 - $)I = 1 + i

To solve for I, we can divide both sides by (2 - $):

I = (1 + i) / (2 - $)

Thus, the current (I) is equal to (1 + i) divided by (2 - $).

To find the value of I in the equation V = IZ, where V is the voltage, I is the current, and Z is the impedance, you can substitute the given values of V and Z into the equation and solve for I.

Given: V = 1 + i and Z = 2 - $

Substituting the values into the equation V = IZ:

1 + i = I(2 - $)

Expanding the equation:

1 + i = 2I - $I

Rearranging the equation to isolate the imaginary terms:

i + $I = 2I - 1

Now, separate the real and imaginary parts of the equation:

$I = 2I - 1 (for the real parts)
i = 0 (for the imaginary parts)

Solving the real part of the equation:

$I = 2I - 1

Rearranging the equation:

$I - 2I = -1

Consolidating like terms:

-$I = -1

Dividing both sides by -$:

I = -1 / -$

Note that -$ is the negative of the imaginary unit i, so -$ = -i.

Substituting this value:

I = -1 / -i

Now, to simplify this expression, we can multiply the numerator and denominator by the conjugate of the denominator to eliminate the imaginary part:

I = -1 * i / (-i * i)

Remember that i * i equals -1:

I = -i / (-(-1))

Simplifying further:

I = -i / 1

Which simplifies to:

I = -i

Therefore, the value of I is -i.