The sum of the ages of Spencer and Raquel is 51 years. 6 years ago, Spencer's age was 2 times Raquel's age. How old is Spencer now?

s+r = 51 so r = 51-s

s-6 = 2(r-6)
s-6 = 2 (51 - s - 6) = 2(45-s) =90-2s
3 s = 96

To find out how old Spencer is now, we can set up a system of equations based on the given information.

Let's say S represents Spencer's current age, and R represents Raquel's current age.

We are given two pieces of information:

1. The sum of their ages is 51 years: S + R = 51.

2. Six years ago, Spencer's age was 2 times Raquel's age: (S - 6) = 2(R - 6).

Now, we can solve this system of equations to find the values of S and R.

1. From the first equation, we can express S in terms of R: S = 51 - R.

2. Substitute that expression for S in the second equation: (51 - R - 6) = 2(R - 6).

Now, simplify and solve for R:

45 - R = 2R - 12.

Combine like terms:

3R = 57.

Divide both sides by 3:

R = 19.

Now, substitute the value of R back into the first equation to find S:

S + 19 = 51.

S = 32.

So, Spencer is currently 32 years old.