Why did John Mayard Keynes decide to become an economist/ financial guru, apart from his interest?


John Maynard Keynes made the decision to become an economist and financial guru for several reasons, beyond his personal interest in the field. Here are a few factors that influenced his decision:

1. Academic Influence: While studying at the University of Cambridge, Keynes was taught by influential economists such as Alfred Marshall and Arthur Pigou. Their teachings likely sparked his interest in economics and guided him towards a career in the field.

2. Global Economic Challenges: Keynes lived during a time of significant economic instability, including the aftermath of World War I and the Great Depression. These crises raised urgent questions about the functioning of financial systems and the role of government in managing economies. Keynes saw an opportunity to make a meaningful impact by contributing his ideas and expertise to address these challenges.

3. Public Policy Advocacy: Keynes had a deeply held belief that economic policy should be informed by sound theory and research. He viewed economics as a tool to improve society and believed that with his insights, he could help shape policies that would lead to better outcomes for individuals and nations.

4. Personal Experience: Keynes's own experiences in finance and investment, as well as his involvement in government institutions, gave him a firsthand understanding of economic and financial systems. This practical exposure likely reinforced his desire to delve deeper into the field and contribute new ideas and approaches.

Overall, Keynes's decision to become an economist and financial guru can be attributed to a combination of his academic training, the economic challenges of his time, his dedication to public policy advocacy, and his personal experiences in the financial industry.