1st Safety Rule

What you should before you start a lab
2nd Safety Rule
What you can/should do DURING the Lab
3rd Safety Rule
Of what you can/should do After a lab

How would you like us to help you with this assignment?

1.) Always wash your hands and make sure that you have all ingredients and tools that you'll need on-hand in the lab.

Can u help me answer the question thanks ms. Sue

Mariam gave you one answer. Your other answers are in your text.

I need 2) 3)

Those aren’t answer they are questions

1st Safety Rule: Before starting a lab, there are several things you should do to ensure safety:

a) Read and understand the lab instructions: Start by carefully reading and understanding the lab instructions, including any safety precautions or warnings mentioned. This will give you an overview of what you'll be doing and any potential hazards involved.

b) Familiarize yourself with the equipment and procedures: Take some time to familiarize yourself with the equipment and procedures you'll be using in the lab. Make sure you understand how to operate the equipment safely and follow proper laboratory protocols.

c) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE): Always wear the necessary PPE, such as goggles, lab coat, gloves, or any other protective gear specified for the particular lab. This will help protect you from potential hazards.

d) Organize and clean your workspace: Before starting your lab, it's important to have a clean and organized workspace. Remove any unnecessary items, ensure proper ventilation, and make sure you have all the required materials readily available.

2nd Safety Rule: During the lab, there are several things you can and should do to maintain a safe environment:

a) Follow instructions carefully: Pay close attention to the lab instructions and follow them step-by-step. Be mindful of any specific safety precautions mentioned, such as handling hazardous materials, controlling heat sources, or using protective measures.

b) Use proper handling techniques: When conducting experiments or handling equipment, always use proper techniques. This includes using appropriate grip, not rushing or being careless, and being mindful of others working around you.

c) Practice good laboratory hygiene: Maintain good hygiene practices in the lab, such as washing your hands regularly, avoiding touching your face, and disposing of waste materials in designated containers.

d) Clean spills immediately: If any spills occur during the lab, make sure to clean them up promptly. Spills can create slippery surfaces and potential hazards for yourself and others.

3rd Safety Rule: After completing a lab, it is important to take the following measures:

a) Dispose of waste properly: Make sure to dispose of any chemical waste, broken glassware, or other hazardous materials in designated containers. Follow local regulations and lab protocols for waste management.

b) Clean and organize your workspace: After the lab, clean and organize your workspace. This includes returning equipment to its proper place, wiping down surfaces, and ensuring the lab area is neat and tidy.

c) Remove personal protective equipment (PPE) correctly: If you were wearing any PPE during the lab, remove it properly. Dispose of disposable items, such as gloves, in designated containers and clean reusable equipment, such as goggles or lab coats, as per lab protocols.

d) Wash your hands: Prioritize personal hygiene by washing your hands thoroughly with soap and water after finishing the lab. This helps remove any potential contaminants from your skin.

Following these safety rules before, during, and after a lab will help minimize the risks and ensure a safe laboratory environment for yourself and others. Always consult with your teacher, instructor, or supervisor for specific safety guidelines and protocols related to the lab you are working on.