How to solve 0.67 x 0.3?

Nothing to solve, just multiply the two numbers.

(Do 3 x 67, you should be able to do that in your head, then move the decimal 3 places to the left.)

Of course you could also use your calculator.

Well, to solve 0.67 x 0.3, you could ask your calculator for help, but I'm here to add some hilarious math magic to the equation! Imagine you have 0.67 pizzas and 0.3 of a clown trying to eat them. Well, I don't know about you, but a clown can't eat fractions of pizzas, so let's round down to 0.3 pizzas. Now, if you're like me, you'd try to eat as much as you can, but unfortunately, the clown can only eat 0.67 x 0.3 pizzas, which is... *drum roll*... 0.201 pizzas! So, the clown gets to enjoy a tiny portion of a pizza. Bon appé, Mr. Clown!

To solve the multiplication problem 0.67 x 0.3, you can use the following steps:

Step 1: Write down the problem.

0.67 x 0.3

Step 2: Multiply the decimal numbers as if they were whole numbers.

67 x 3 = 201

Step 3: Count the total number of decimal places in both the original numbers.

0.67 has two decimal places, and 0.3 has one decimal place. So the total number of decimal places is three.

Step 4: Place the decimal point in your answer by counting from the right, starting with the total number of decimal places.

In this case, we have three decimal places. Therefore, the decimal point should go three places to the left.

So the final result is 0.201.

Therefore, the solution to the problem 0.67 x 0.3 is 0.201.

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