What is an estimate of the solution of the equation 6n+3=2? Use a table.

ok so I know the answer is -1/6 but its asking to use a table? does anyone know what kind of table you use for this and how I'd use it? thank you soo much

I guess you could form columns for "n" and "left side"

n ... LS
0 3
1 9
2 15 --- getting too big, looking for 2 on RS
-1 -3 ---- too low, so n is between 0 and -1
1/2 6 ---- too high
-1/2 -3 --- too low
so between 0 and -1/2
-1/4 3/2 ----- too low
so between -1/2 and -1/4
- 3/8 3/4 too low

etc till you get close to Right Side of 2

BUT, as you probably did:
6n + 3 = 2
6n = -1
n = -1/6

Good example of how to make a simple question more difficult than it has to be.

bro what?

To estimate the solution of the equation 6n + 3 = 2 using a table, you can create a table of values for n and gradually approach the solution. Here's how you can do it:

1. Create a table with two columns: one for n and one for the expression 6n + 3.

| n | 6n + 3 |
| 0 | 3 |
| 1 | 9 |
| -1 | -3 |
| 2 | 15 |
| -2 | -9 |
| 3 | 21 |

2. Start with an initial value for n. In this case, let's start with n = 0.

3. Substitute the value of n into the equation 6n + 3 and complete the corresponding row in the table.

For n = 0: 6(0) + 3 = 3

4. Check if the calculated value in the table matches the right-hand side of the equation (in this case, 2). If it does, you have found the estimate for the solution. In this case, 3 does not match 2.

5. Increment or decrement n by a small value and repeat steps 3-4 until you find a value in the table that approximates the right-hand side of the equation.

For n = 1: 6(1) + 3 = 9
For n = -1: 6(-1) + 3 = -3
For n = 2: 6(2) + 3 = 15
For n = -2: 6(-2) + 3 = -9
For n = 3: 6(3) + 3 = 21

6. From the table, you can see that as n approaches -1/6 (between n = -1 and n = 0), the value of the expression 6n + 3 becomes closer to 2. Thus, an estimate of the solution for the equation 6n + 3 = 2 is n ≈ -1/6.

Please note that this is an estimation method and may not provide an exact solution but a close approximation.

To use a table to estimate the solution of the equation 6n + 3 = 2, you can create a table with two columns. In the first column, you'll list different values for n, and in the second column, you'll compute the value of the expression 6n + 3.

Here's an example of how you can set up the table:

| n | 6n + 3 |
| -2 | -9 |
| -1 | -3 |
| 0 | 3 |
| 1 | 9 |
| 2 | 15 |

You can choose different values for n to get a range of values for 6n + 3. The idea is to see where the output (the second column) comes closest to the desired output of 2.

Looking at the table, we can see that when n is equal to -1, the corresponding value of 6n + 3 is -3, which is the closest to 2. This suggests that -1 might be a good estimate for the solution of the equation.

In fact, if you solve the equation algebraically, you'll find that the exact solution is n = -1/6, which confirms that our estimate was quite close.

Using a table can be helpful for visualizing the relationship between the variable and the equation, and it can serve as a tool for estimating solutions when an exact solution is not necessary or easily obtainable.