Choose the meaning of the bold words

Beowulf/Offered them only his sword, ended/so many JACKAL lives that the few/Who were able skulked silently home.(Beowulf)





C:Useless is my this correct?

Now....I am thinking it is enemy....please help....I'm confused and this is the last question and this is the only one I need help on

Which word is in bold?


Yes, I did read it, but got a little confused. I have been doing school all day. Thank you for your help.

In the given passage from Beowulf, the bold word "useless" is not one of the options provided. However, I can help you understand the meaning of the bold words "ended" and "jackal" to determine the correct answer.

In this context, the word "ended" means to bring something to a conclusion or finish something. It suggests that Beowulf killed or defeated a significant number of creatures.

The word "jackal" refers to a type of wild animal, usually a small carnivorous mammal. In this case, it is used figuratively to describe the enemies or adversaries that Beowulf has encountered.

Based on this information, it is clear that the correct answer is A: Enemy. Beowulf offered his sword and ended the lives of many jackals or enemies, causing the few remaining ones to retreat silently.

I agree with "enemy" -- but I had to go back and read the lines before and after these few.

Did you read Beowulf before trying to answer these questions? If you didn't, you should. You cannot understand these lines out of context.