Solve the following equation for p: 5s - 3p = fp + 12

the fp is confusing me so much, I've tried solving it so many times but this keeps getting me

To solve the equation for p, we need to isolate the variable on one side of the equation. In this case, we have:

5s - 3p = fp + 12

To deal with the fp term, we need to combine it with the p term on the left side of the equation. We can rewrite the equation as:

5s - (3p - fp) = 12

Now, let's simplify further:

5s - (3p - fp) = 12

Distribute the negative sign:

5s - 3p + fp = 12

Combine the p and fp terms:

5s - 2p + fp = 12

Now, we can isolate the p term by moving the other terms to the opposite side of the equation:

-2p + fp = 12 - 5s

To simplify it further, factoring out p:

p(-2 + f) = 12 - 5s

Finally, solve for p by dividing both sides of the equation by (-2 + f):

p = (12 - 5s) / (-2 + f)

Therefore, the solution for p is (12 - 5s) / (-2 + f).

5s-3p = fp+12

5s = 3p+fp+12
5s-12 = (3+f)p
(5s-12)/(3+f) = p