Evaluate the integral of x*ln(1+x) dx by first making a substitution and then using integration by parts.

I let u=1+x and du = dx but then ln(u) du can't integrate to anything?

To evaluate the integral ∫x*ln(1+x)dx, we can make the substitution u = 1+x. Let's calculate the differentials:

du = dx.

Now we need to express the entire integral in terms of u. We can rewrite x in terms of u as x = u - 1. Substituting x = u - 1 and dx = du into the integral, we have:

∫[(u - 1)*ln(u)]du.

Now, to evaluate this integral using integration by parts, let's choose u = ln(u) and dv = (u - 1)du.
Taking the derivatives and integrals, we get:

du = du, and v = ∫(u - 1)du = (u^2/2 - u) + C,

where C is the constant of integration.

Now applying the integration by parts formula:

∫u*dv = uv - ∫v*du,

we have:

∫[(u - 1)*ln(u)]du = ln(u) * [(u^2/2 - u)] - ∫[(u^2/2 - u)*du].

Simplifying, we get:

∫[(u - 1)*ln(u)]du = (u^2/2 - u)ln(u) - ∫(u^2/2 - u)du.

Expanding and simplifying the expression, we have:

∫[(u - 1)*ln(u)]du = (u^2/2 - u)ln(u) - (u^3/6 - u^2/2) + C.

Finally, substituting u = 1 + x back into the expression, we obtain:

∫x*ln(1+x) dx = [((1+x)^2/2 - (1+x))ln(1+x) - ((1+x)^3/6 - (1+x)^2/2)] + C.

This expression is the evaluation of the given integral using substitution and integration by parts.

you need to get rid of that pesky ln(1+x). So,

u = ln(1+x)
du = 1/(1+x) dx
dv = x dx
v = 1/2 x^2

∫u dv = uv - ∫v du
= 1/2 x^2 ln(1+x) - 1/2 ∫x^2/(1+x) dx

which is not so hard, eh?