jeff jogged 5/6km while jon jogged 7/12km.who jogged longer bu how many kilometers?

To determine who jogged longer and by how many kilometers, we need to compare the distances jogged by Jeff and Jon.

First, let's find a common denominator for the fractions 5/6 and 7/12. The smallest number that both 6 and 12 can divide into evenly is 12.

Next, we can convert the fractions to have a denominator of 12:

- 5/6 * (2/2) = 10/12
- 7/12

Now, we can see that Jeff jogged 10/12 km (or 10 kilometers out of 12) and Jon jogged 7/12 km.

Comparing these distances, we can see that Jeff jogged longer. To find the difference in distance, we subtract Jon's distance from Jeff's distance:

10/12 km - 7/12 km = 3/12 km

Therefore, Jeff jogged longer by 3/12 km (or 3/12 * 1 km = 0.25 km or 250 meters).

5/6 = 10/12

10/12 - 7/12 =