Rename the number

24 ten thousand

To rename the number "24 ten thousand", you would convert it into standard numerical format.

24 ten thousand is equal to 24 * 10,000.

Calculating this, we get:

24 * 10,000 = 240,000.

So, the number "24 ten thousand" can be renamed as "240,000".

To rename the number "24 ten thousand," we need to convert it to standard numerical form.

To do this, we first need to know the place value of each digit. In the number 24 ten thousand, the digit 2 is in the ten thousand place, and the digit 4 is in the one place.

To rename the number, we simply multiply the digit in the ten thousand place (2) by the place value it represents (ten thousand), and add it to the digit in the one place (4) multiplied by its place value (one).

The ten thousand place represents 10,000, so we have:

2 * 10,000 = 20,000

The digit in the ones place (4) is multiplied by 1, as the ones place represents single units:

4 * 1 = 4

Now, we add the two products together:

20,000 + 4 = 20,004

Therefore, the number "24 ten thousand" can be renamed as "20,004."
