Why did the system of feudalism arise during the Middle ages?

A:to develop an economic system.
B:to determine jobs within a city.
C:to defend the countries from attacks.
D:to organize the household of noblemen.

I think the answer is C. Thank you

Could be either C or D.

Double-check your text to be sure.

The correct answer is actually D: to organize the household of noblemen. Feudalism emerged during the Middle Ages as a social and political system that allocated land and power to nobles in exchange for loyalty and military service. Under feudalism, the noblemen, or lords, granted portions of land, called fiefs, to vassals who in turn were responsible for serving and protecting the lord. This arrangement allowed the lords to effectively organize and control their households, ensuring a stable social structure.

To determine the correct answer, you could have considered the characteristics and purpose of feudalism during the Middle Ages. Feudalism was primarily focused on establishing a hierarchical social order and maintaining the defense of territories through military obligations. While economic factors and job distribution were important aspects of the feudal system, they were not the primary reasons for its formation.