The Smith family took a car trip they travel have the distance from San Antonio to Houston on Monday and 3 out of 12 the distance on Tuesday what fraction of the distance between San Antonio and Houston did the Smith family travel on Monday and Tuesday

why not write 3/12? Much more like math...

Anyway, 3/12 = 1/4

1 + 1/4 = 5/4

To find the fraction of the distance traveled by the Smith family, we need to add the distances traveled on Monday and Tuesday and express it as a fraction of the total distance between San Antonio and Houston.

Let's assume the total distance between San Antonio and Houston is represented by the variable "D."

On Monday, the Smith family traveled half the distance, which can be expressed as (1/2)D.

On Tuesday, they traveled 3 out of 12 of the total distance, which is equivalent to 1/4 of the total distance, since 3/12 can be simplified to 1/4. Thus, the distance traveled on Tuesday is (1/4)D.

To find the total distance traveled on Monday and Tuesday, we add the two distances:
(1/2)D + (1/4)D = (2/4)D + (1/4)D = (3/4)D.

Therefore, the Smith family traveled (3/4) of the total distance between San Antonio and Houston on Monday and Tuesday.