You wanna adopt a puppy from your local animal shelter. First, you plan to build an outdoor play pen along the side of your house, as shown below. If a dog grass cost $1.70 a square foot, how much will you spend

A) $23.80
B) $30.60****
C) $35.70
D) $40.80


you have to figure area first, then cost= area times 2.70 dollars/ft^2

I was able to round up to $23.80 am I close

The answer is $35.70

To determine how much you will spend on the outdoor playpen, you need to calculate the total cost of the dog grass.

You are given that the dog grass costs $1.70 per square foot. However, we need to know the total area of the outdoor playpen in order to calculate the cost.

Since the dimensions of the playpen are not provided, we cannot directly calculate its area. Therefore, we need more information to correctly answer the question.