Kalyan gets paid 8.75 per hour and she works 37.5 hours per week. Estimate how much Kalyan earns in a week.

10 * 37 = 370


To estimate how much Kalyan earns in a week, we can multiply her hourly rate by the number of hours she works.

Hourly rate: $8.75
Weekly hours: 37.5

To calculate her earnings:

Earnings per week = Hourly rate * Weekly hours

Earnings per week = $8.75 * 37.5

Earnings per week = $328.125

Therefore, Kalyan earns approximately $328.13 per week.

To estimate how much Kalyan earns in a week, we need to multiply her hourly wage by the number of hours she works per week.

First, we multiply her hourly wage of $8.75 by the number of hours she works in a week, which is 37.5 hours:

$8.75 x 37.5 hours = $328.125

So, Kalyan earns approximately $328.125 in a week.