I have to write a paper about the role anthropologists play in migration with 3 examples.

They just study migration, right? so would I just pick 3 examples of different people that have migrated?

I would look to

why the migration occured
who migrated
from where to where
what other things were going on
what effects did the migration produce

Thanks for the help :)

That helped a lot

I'm glad my question helped you to find answers too Karen!

Thanks bobpursley!

When writing a paper about the role of anthropologists in migration, it is important to consider a broader perspective. Anthropologists do not simply study migration; they also examine the social, cultural, and economic factors that influence migration and the experiences of migrants. To provide a comprehensive analysis, you can focus on three specific examples that highlight different aspects of migration and the role anthropologists play in understanding and addressing it. Here is an approach to selecting your examples:

1. Anthropological Analysis of Migration Patterns: Choose an example where anthropologists have studied the patterns and trends of migration. This could be a case study that explores the reasons why certain groups migrate, the routes they take, or the impact of migration on both the communities of origin and the receiving societies. For instance, you could examine the research conducted on Mexican migration to the United States.

2. Cultural Adaptation and Identity: Select an example where anthropologists have examined the processes of cultural adaptation and identity formation among migrants. This could involve studying how migrants negotiate their cultural beliefs and practices with those of the host society, how they establish support networks, or how they maintain ties with their home communities. As an example, you could explore the anthropological research on Somali refugees in Europe and their experiences of cultural integration.

3. Impact of Migration Policies: Lastly, choose an example that demonstrates how anthropological research has influenced migration policies. This could involve examining how anthropologists work with policymakers and advocacy groups to address the challenges faced by migrants, improve their living conditions, and promote social inclusion. For instance, you could focus on the collaboration between anthropologists and organizations working with Syrian refugees in the Middle East.

By selecting three different examples from various angles of the migration phenomenon, you will be able to provide a more comprehensive understanding of the role of anthropologists in studying and addressing migration. Remember to support your analysis with relevant anthropological theories, research methodologies, and empirical evidence to strengthen your arguments.