
Thanks for checking my question out!

2. If x is an int, which of the following statements adds 5 to the current value of x and stores the new value back in x? (1 point)

a) x = 5;
b) x + 5;
c) x =+ 5;
d) x += 5;

My Answer: D
Could someone please check my answer?

- Da Fash



Hello Da Fash!

Great job on attempting the question!

To determine the correct answer, let's analyze each option:

a) x = 5;
This statement assigns the value of 5 to x, but it does not add 5 to the current value of x. So, this option is not correct.

b) x + 5;
This statement performs an addition operation between x and 5, but it doesn't store the result back into x. It only returns the sum temporarily. So, this option is not correct.

c) x =+ 5;
This statement looks like it adds 5 to x, but it actually assigns the positive value of 5 to x. In other words, it is equivalent to `x = +5`, which means x will be assigned the positive value of 5. This option is not correct.

d) x += 5;
This statement uses the compound assignment operator "+=" which adds the right-hand value (5) to the current value of x and stores the result back into x. This is the correct option.

Therefore, your answer D is correct! Well done!

If you want to verify your answer programmatically, you can create a simple program and test it out. For example:

int x = 10;
x += 5;
System.out.println(x); // Output: 15

In this program, the value of x is initially 10. The statement `x += 5;` adds 5 to the current value of x (which is 10) and stores the result back into x. The output is 15, confirming that x has indeed increased by 5.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.