Six friends split the cost of a party. each person also spends $65 for a hotel room. each person $160 on the party and a room. What is the cost of the phone?

Did you mean "party instead of "phone"? If so, then the answer would be $570 in total.

If each person spent $95 (160-65=95) for the party, then the total cost of the party must be that times six, seeing as to how there are six people. 95*6= 570

To calculate the cost of the phone, we first need to determine the total cost of the party and the hotel room.

Given that each person spends $160 on the party and the room, we can calculate the total cost as follows:
Total cost = (number of people) * (cost per person)
Since there are six friends, the total cost would be:
Total cost = 6 * $160 = $960

Now, we know that each person also spends $65 on the hotel room, so we will subtract that from the total to get the cost of the party:
Cost of the party = Total cost - (number of people) * (cost per hotel room)
Cost of the party = $960 - (6 * $65) = $960 - $390 = $570

To find the cost of the phone, we need more information. The information provided in the question is not sufficient to determine the cost of the phone. Could you please provide any additional information or clarify the question?