what could I use 39000 KB worth of data on in about six minutes of time on my s7 edge cell phone

To determine what you could use 39,000 KB of data on in about six minutes on your S7 Edge cell phone, we need to consider the data usage of various activities. Keep in mind that data usage can vary depending on the quality and duration of the activity.

Here are some examples:

1. Web browsing: On average, loading a webpage uses around 1-2 MB of data. With 39,000 KB (or 39 MB), you could browse approximately 20-30 webpages.

2. Social media: The data usage for popular social media platforms depends on the content you're viewing. Scrolling through a Facebook or Instagram feed typically uses about 2 MB per minute, so you could spend around 20 minutes on social media.

3. Streaming music: Streaming music in standard quality uses about 1 MB per minute, so you could listen to around 39,000 minutes or 650 hours of music.

4. Streaming videos: The data consumption for video streaming depends on the quality. For example, streaming videos on YouTube in standard definition (480p) uses approximately 2-4 MB per minute. With 39,000 KB, you could watch approximately 10 minutes of videos in 480p.

Remember that these estimates are based on average usage. Actual data consumption may vary depending on the specific apps or websites you use, as well as the quality settings you choose. It's always a good idea to monitor your data usage through your phone's settings or data usage monitoring apps to get a more accurate measure.