What is the main conflict in the play, Leaving Home?

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To determine the main conflict in the play "Leaving Home," we need to analyze its plot. "Leaving Home" is a Canadian play written by David French.

To understand the main conflict, we can follow these steps:
1. Read or watch the play: You need to have access to the script or a recording of the play to understand the story and its conflicts.
2. Identify key characters: Pay attention to the main characters and their relationships. In "Leaving Home," the main characters are Jacob Mercer, Mary Mercer, and their adult children, Ben Mercer and Kathleen Mercer.
3. Observe character interactions: Look for moments of tension, arguments, or disagreements between the characters. These instances often signify conflicts.
4. Analyze the themes: Consider the overarching themes explored in the play, such as family dynamics, generational differences, cultural conflicts, or the desire for personal freedom.
5. Determine the central conflict: Based on the characters' interactions and the play's themes, identify the primary conflict that drives the story forward.

Since "Leaving Home" focuses on family relationships and generational differences, the main conflict is typically seen as the clash between the parents, Jacob and Mary Mercer, and their desire to maintain traditional values contrasted with their children's ambitions for personal freedom and independence. This conflict manifests in various ways throughout the play, highlighting the challenges faced by both generations and their struggles to understand and relate to one another.