Fill in the blank Sparta didn't mind stopping its war against Athens because it was building a blank and making an alliance with blank please help me I really need help ASAP

wall? Persia?

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In order to answer your question, we need to understand the historical context. The Sparta-Athens conflict refers to the Peloponnesian War, which lasted from 431 to 404 BCE. During this war, Sparta, a Greek city-state, was pitted against Athens, a dominant naval power.

Now, to answer your question:

Sparta didn't mind stopping its war against Athens because it was building a __blank__ and making an alliance with __blank__.

To fill in the blanks, we need to consider some key events and factors during the war.

1. Sparta:
Sparta was known for its militaristic society, focusing heavily on its land forces. Being a land-based power, Sparta had limitations when it came to naval warfare, in which Athens excelled. This limited their ability to bring a decisive victory against Athens.

2. Building a __blank__:
During the war, Sparta realized that continuing the conflict against Athens would be costly and could potentially weaken its own forces. So, rather than pursuing an all-out victory, Sparta adopted a different strategy toward the later stages of the war. They focused on fortifying their position on land and building a defensive structure known as the Long Walls. This enabled Sparta to protect its own territory from invasion and effectively neutralize Athens' naval dominance.

3. Making an alliance with __blank__:
Simultaneously, Sparta sought alliances with various city-states that were hostile or opposed to Athens. One notable example is the city-state of Persia (modern-day Iran), which had previously been at odds with Athens. Sparta found common ground with Persia in their mutual desire to weaken Athens, and they formed an alliance. This alliance provided Sparta with additional support and resources, allowing them to sustain their campaign.

So, to fill in the blanks:

Sparta didn't mind stopping its war against Athens because it was building a defensive structure (the Long Walls) and making an alliance with Persia.

These strategic moves helped Sparta mitigate the risks and costs associated with continuing the war against Athens.