
Thanks for checking my question out!

Fill in the Blank

9. Materials can be classified as solids, liquids, or gases based on whether their shapes and _______________ are definite or variable. (1 point)

My Answer: volumes
Can someone please check my answer?

- Da Fash

I agree


Hello Da Fash!

Sure, I can help you check your answer.

The question asks for the term that fills in the blank to complete the sentence: "Materials can be classified as solids, liquids, or gases based on whether their shapes and ________ are definite or variable."

The term that best fits the blank in this context is "volumes."

Solids have definite shapes and volumes, meaning they maintain a fixed shape and take up a specific amount of space. Liquids, on the other hand, have indefinite shapes but definite volumes, meaning they take the shape of their container but still occupy a specific volume. Gases have both indefinite shapes and volumes, as they completely fill the container they are in and can change shape and volume depending on the conditions.

So, your answer, "volumes," accurately fills in the blank in the sentence. Well done!