1. Students planted three bean seeds. After several days, they observed that the seeds’ roots were growing downward into the soil. Which type of tropism were the roots displaying? (1 point)

A) geotropism ****
B) thigmotropism
C) phototropism
D) photoperiodism

2. Which of the following is necessary for plants to exhibit phototropism? (1 point)
A) gravity
B) touch
C) auxin ****
D) dormancy

3. A vine growing around a lamp post is an example of (1 point)
A) geotropism.
B) thigmotropism.
C) phototropism.*****
D) photoperiodism.

4. A tree that sheds its leaves in the fall is exhibiting (1 point)
A) geotropism.
B) thigmotropism.
C) phototropism.
D) photoperiodism. ********

5. As the nights get longer and the temperatures become cooler, some plants (1 point)
A) enter a state of dormancy, or inactivity.****
B) enter a state where their cells divide and the plant reproduces.
C) enter a state where they begin to sprout leaves.
D) enter a state where the plant responds to touch.

1. A

2. C
3. B
4. D
5. A

1. A

2. C
3. B
4. D
5. A

Kelly is right I got 100% for my test Thx!

@Hi Lol, did you come to this page to tell us that? So what. There's other kids cheating on Brainly. Not just on Jiskka. And just let them cheat. Doesn't really matter.

and I already know people are gonna disagree, oh well. Life is life. '-'

kelly is right

100% thx<3

Are you Sure Its right?

I agree with your answers.

3 is B for sure

thanks guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!