what is the value of the valuable double dNum=5

A. 5
B. 5.0
C. 0
D. 0.0
E. error: possible loss of precision

please help and explain

Looks like B to me.

Actually, it's good to 14 decimal significant figures, but 5.0 is good enough.

To find the value of the variable `dNum`, we need to look at its definition, which states that it is a `double` with a value of 5.

A `double` is a data type in programming that represents a double-precision floating-point number. It can store decimal values, providing more precision compared to other numeric data types like `int` or `float`.

From the given definition, the value of `dNum` is 5.0 (option B). The answer is B. 5.0.

In the line `double dNum = 5`, we assign the value of 5 to `dNum`. Since we are using a decimal number (5.0), we use the `double` data type to ensure the value is represented with the necessary precision.

The value of the double variable "dNum" is 5.0.

The correct answer is B. 5.0.

In Java, when you assign a whole number to a variable declared as a double, Java automatically converts it to a decimal number. This is because the double data type stores floating-point numbers, which include both whole numbers and decimals.

Therefore, when you assign the value 5 to the double variable "dNum", it is automatically converted to 5.0, which is a decimal number.