3. What feeding strategy and adaptation would an organism that lived in the abyssopelagic zone most likely use in order to survive, and why?

A. Scavenge dead matter on the ocean floor because it is difficult to find prey in the darkness.
B. Use bioluminescence to scare away predators because in total darkness they will be afraid of the light
C. Use camouflage to blend into coral and rocks because prey can be easily ambushed
D. Produce their own food through photosynthesis due to the lack of nutrients on the ocean floor

My Answer: A?

4. Interpreting the results of an experiment requires critical thinking skills and the ability to make connections across data. Which skill would most likely benefit a scientist who is doing this?
A. Creativity
B. Inflexibility
C. Time management
D. Memorization

My Answer: B?

5. During upwelling, nutrient-rich water rises to the surface. How would this most likely affect the biotic components of the ecosystems where the upwelling is taking place?
A. Increase in species numbers and diversity
B. Decrease in currents and tides
C. Increase in salinity
D. Increase in temperature

My Answer: B?

For question 3, the most likely answer is A. An organism in the abyssopelagic zone, which is the deep sea, would have difficulty finding prey in the darkness. Therefore, scavenging dead matter on the ocean floor would be an effective feeding strategy for survival.

To answer question 4, the skill that would most likely benefit a scientist who is interpreting the results of an experiment is A. Creativity. Critical thinking skills and the ability to make connections across data would require thinking outside the box and coming up with innovative solutions and interpretations.

For question 5, the correct answer is A. During upwelling, nutrient-rich water rises to the surface, which promotes the growth of phytoplankton and other primary producers. This abundance of food would lead to an increase in species numbers and diversity, as more organisms would have the necessary nutrients to survive and thrive.

3. The correct answer is A. Scavenge dead matter on the ocean floor because it is difficult to find prey in the darkness. The abyssopelagic zone is the deepest part of the ocean, where sunlight does not penetrate. As a result, photosynthesis is not possible, and there is a scarcity of organisms. Thus, organisms in this zone often rely on scavenging dead matter that sinks from above.

4. The correct answer is A. Creativity. Interpreting the results of an experiment involves thinking critically and making connections across data. Creativity is essential in coming up with new ideas, theories, and explanations for the observed data. It allows scientists to think outside the box and explore different possibilities.

5. The correct answer is A. Increase in species numbers and diversity. Upwelling brings nutrient-rich water from the deep ocean to the surface, providing a steady supply of nutrients to the surface ecosystem. This increased availability of nutrients leads to increased primary productivity and supports a larger number and diversity of species in the ecosystem.

4 - A (make connections)

5 - A (eg Georges Bank, Grand Banks of Newfoundland))