write a javascript program that ask the user to enter up to 10 scores golf


Sure! Here's a JavaScript program that asks the user to enter up to 10 golf scores:

// Create an empty array to store the golf scores
let scores = [];

// Ask the user to enter up to 10 scores
for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
let score = prompt("Enter a golf score (or leave empty to exit):");

// If the user leaves the input empty, exit the loop
if (score === "") {

// Parse the input string to a number and add it to the scores array

// Display the entered scores
console.log("Entered scores:", scores);

To run this program, you can save it in a .js file and run it using a JavaScript runtime environment like Node.js, or you can use it from the browser console by simply copying and pasting the code.

The program asks the user to enter up to 10 golf scores. It uses a for loop to iterate 10 times, prompting the user for a score each time. If the user leaves the input empty, the loop breaks. Otherwise, it converts the input value to a number using `parseFloat()` and adds it to the `scores` array. Finally, it displays the entered scores in the console using `console.log()`.