Which branch of government is Article III about?

Who is given judicial power?

How many justices are on the Supreme Court?

Who appoints a justice to the Supreme Court?

Who confirms the nomination? P. 26

How long is the term? P. 26

Why is this the length of the justice’s term? P. 26

Judicial law will extend to all cases under the ________________, the laws of the _________________________ and ______________. P. 26
Judicial power of the Supreme Court will extend to all cases affecting __________________ and other public ministers and consuls. P.26
What are ambassadors?

The US Courts will hear cases between _________.
Federal cases start in federal ______________________ courts. They have original jurisdiction.
What is jurisdiction?

What is original jurisdiction?
Cases are heard on ______________ by the Federal Court of Appeals and the Supreme Court (if _____ of the justices decide to hear the case). P.28
What is appellate jurisdiction?

About how many cases does the Supreme Court choose to hear each year? P.28
___________________ against the United States shall consist only in _________________ _________ or joining their _____________, giving them ____________ and _____________.
What is treason?

What is needed in order to convict a person of treason?

Other than actively fighting against the United States, what else can be considered treason?

Someone please help me!

Have you read your text?

Have you read the Constitution?

Have you googled any of these things??



Yes, yes, and yes. I can not find any answers to the questions but I know that question 1 is The judcicial branch, or at least i think it is.

Did you click on that link and scroll down a tiny bit? Yes. Article III is about the Judiciary.

What are those page numbers referring to?

I don't know, those are just in the questions. (Well, I know but like the numbers don't refer to my article 3 page.)

Please help me with the answers... I got 1 & 2 done but I can't figure out 3..

Google Justices Supreme Court.

That didn't help Ms. Sue..

It didn't help either because you

1. didn't click the link
2. didn't count the justices in the first article.