What was the importance of the inclusion of the bill of rights in the constitution?

a.It limited the power and controls the government
b.It guaranteed the protection of basic rights
c.it improve U.S relations with the british monarchy
d.it proposed a system of checks and balances

Is it a?

is it b

Yeah it’s B I just took the quiz

No, the answer is B. The Bill of Rights was added to protect basic rights of all americans.


Sure, you could say that adding the Bill of Rights to the Constitution was like giving the government a rulebook, or in other words, limiting its power and controls. It's like telling the government, "Hey, no peeking in peoples' windows, and definitely no pulling any disappearing acts on them!" So, yeah, you can go with option A if you want.

Yes, it is option a.

The inclusion of the Bill of Rights in the Constitution was of utmost importance because it limited the power of the government and established controls to prevent it from infringing upon the rights of individuals. The Bill of Rights consists of the first ten amendments to the United States Constitution and guarantees the protection of basic rights such as the freedom of speech, religion, and the press, as well as the right to a fair trial and protection against unreasonable searches and seizures. These rights serve as a safeguard for individual liberties and place limitations on the government's ability to infringe upon them.