Colleen works 40 hours in an office and earns $300 per week. One week she worked 46 hours. What will her earnings be for the week she worked 46 hours? Include your calculations below.

To find out Colleen's earnings for the week she worked 46 hours, we need to calculate her overtime pay.

Step 1: Determine her regular pay per hour.
Since Colleen works 40 hours per week and earns $300, her regular pay per hour can be found by dividing her weekly earnings by the number of hours worked:
Regular pay per hour = Weekly earnings / Number of hours worked
Regular pay per hour = $300 / 40 hours
Regular pay per hour = $7.50

Step 2: Determine her overtime pay rate.
Overtime pay is typically calculated at 1.5 times the regular pay rate. So, to find Colleen's overtime pay rate, we multiply her regular pay per hour by 1.5:
Overtime pay rate = Regular pay per hour * 1.5
Overtime pay rate = $7.50 * 1.5
Overtime pay rate = $11.25

Step 3: Calculate her regular earnings for 40 hours.
To calculate Colleen's regular earnings for 40 hours, we multiply her regular pay per hour by the number of hours worked:
Regular earnings for 40 hours = Regular pay per hour * 40 hours
Regular earnings for 40 hours = $7.50 * 40 hours
Regular earnings for 40 hours = $300

Step 4: Calculate her overtime earnings for 6 hours.
To calculate Colleen's overtime earnings for the extra 6 hours worked, we multiply her overtime pay rate by the number of hours over 40:
Overtime earnings for 6 hours = Overtime pay rate * 6 hours
Overtime earnings for 6 hours = $11.25 * 6 hours
Overtime earnings for 6 hours = $67.50

Step 5: Calculate her total earnings for the week.
Finally, we add her regular earnings for 40 hours to her overtime earnings for 6 hours to find her total earnings for the week:
Total earnings for the week = Regular earnings for 40 hours + Overtime earnings for 6 hours
Total earnings for the week = $300 + $67.50
Total earnings for the week = $367.50

Therefore, Colleen's earnings for the week she worked 46 hours would be $367.50.

46(300/40) =