What is a good benchmark to use for estimating the number of photos in an album? Which I don't understand this question please help

To estimate the number of photos in an album, you can use a benchmark or standard value that represents the average number of photos typically found in albums. The purpose of having a benchmark is to provide a reference point for estimation purposes.

However, it's important to note that the number of photos in an album can vary greatly depending on various factors, such as the length of time the photos were taken, the size of the album, and the preferences of the album creator. Therefore, there is no universally applicable benchmark that will give you an exact answer.

To estimate the number of photos in an album without a benchmark, you can follow these steps:

1. Determine the average number of photos you take on a specific occasion or event. This can be based on your personal experience or by looking at previous events where you took a similar number of photos.

2. Consider the duration of the event or period you want to capture in the album. Longer events or vacations usually have more photo opportunities, while shorter events may have fewer.

3. If you have a specific album size in mind, consider how many photos can comfortably fit on a page. This can vary depending on the album style and size, so refer to the album's specifications or test with a few sample photos.

4. Multiply the average number of photos taken per occasion by the number of occasions or events you want to include in the album. Adjust this estimation based on the desired coverage.

Remember, these steps provide a rough estimation, and the actual number of photos in an album will depend on your specific circumstances and preferences.