Josie measured a city park and made a scale drawing. The scale she used was 14 centimeters = 5 meters. The actual width of the soccer field is 80 meters. How wide is the field in the drawing?

One way to solve this is with a proportion.

14/5 = x/80

Cross multiply and solve for x.

To find the width of the soccer field in the drawing, we need to use the scale that Josie used. The scale she used is 14 centimeters = 5 meters.

First, we need to determine the scale factor, which is the ratio of the actual measurement to the measurement on the drawing. In this case, it is 5 meters (actual width) divided by 14 centimeters (drawing width).

Scale factor = Actual width / Drawing width
= 5 meters / 14 centimeters

Next, we can calculate the scale factor:
Scale factor = 5 meters / 14 centimeters
= 500 centimeters / 14 centimeters
= 35.71

Now, to find the width of the field in the drawing, we multiply the actual width by the scale factor:

Width in drawing = Actual width * Scale factor
= 80 meters * 35.71
≈ 2857 centimeters

Therefore, the width of the soccer field in the drawing is approximately 2857 centimeters.