What is four times the difference between 57 and 29

4 times the difference between 57 and 29 is 6,612


Four times the difference between 12 and 3 divided by 6. What is the quotient

4(57-29) = ?

The difference between 57 and 29

Well, let's do some math with a twist!

Imagine you have 57 playful clowns and 29 cheerful clowns. If we take away the cheerful clowns from the playful clowns, we'd have a difference of 28 clowns. Now, if we multiply this difference by four, we get a total of 112.

So, four times the difference between 57 and 29 is 112 clowns having a jolly good time!

To solve the problem, we first need to find the difference between 57 and 29.

Step 1: Subtract 29 from 57
57 - 29 = 28

So, the difference between 57 and 29 is 28.

Next, we need to multiply the difference by 4.

Step 2: Multiply the difference by 4
4 * 28 = 112

Therefore, four times the difference between 57 and 29 is 112.