Your total bill at a restaurant is $24.89. You were very pleased with your service, so you decide to leave a 20% tip. What is the amount of the tip you will leave your waiter?


To calculate a 20% tip on a total bill of $24.89, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Convert 20% to a decimal by dividing it by 100.
20 ÷ 100 = 0.2

Step 2: Multiply the total bill by the decimal value of the tip percentage.
$24.89 × 0.2 = $4.978

Step 3: Round the value to two decimal places.
$4.978 rounded to two decimal places is $4.98

Therefore, you would leave your waiter a tip of $4.98.

To calculate the tip amount, you'll need to multiply the total bill by the tip percentage. In this case, you want to leave a 20% tip.

Step 1: Convert the percentage to decimal form.
To convert 20% to decimal form, divide it by 100.
20 ÷ 100 = 0.2

Step 2: Multiply the total bill by the tip percentage.
$24.89 * 0.2 = $4.978

Step 3: Round the result to the nearest cent.
Since we're dealing with money, it's common to round to two decimal places.
Rounding $4.978 to two decimal places gives us $4.98.

Therefore, you should leave a tip of $4.98 to your waiter.

20% = 0.20

Multiply the total bill by 0.2. Indicate the answer in $.