Please help me, these fractions are tripping me up.


I know that first you do this:

11x/4 - 4x/3 +12= 2x/3-9x/4

That's as far as i can go

combine fractions with matching denominators

20x/4 + 12 = 6x/3

reduce fractions ... 5x + 12 = 2x

To solve the equation 11(x/4) - 4(x/3) + 12 = 2(x/3) - 9(x/4), we need to eliminate the fractions. Here's how you can approach this:

Step 1: Multiply every term in the equation by the least common multiple (LCM) of the denominators, which in this case is 12. The purpose of this is to clear the fractions.

12 * [11(x/4) - 4(x/3) + 12] = 12 * [2(x/3) - 9(x/4)]

This simplifies to:

(12 * 11)(x/4) - (12 * 4)(x/3) + (12 * 12) = (12 * 2)(x/3) - (12 * 9)(x/4)

Step 2: Simplify the equation using the distributive property:

33x/4 - 16x/3 + 144 = 8x/3 - 108x/4

Step 3: Combine like terms on both sides of the equation:

33x/4 + 108x/4 - 16x/3 - 8x/3 = -144

(33x + 108x)/4 - (16x + 8x)/3 = -144

141x/4 - 24x/3 = -144

Step 4: Find a common denominator for the remaining fractions. The LCM of 4 and 3 is 12, so we multiply the fractions by 3/3 and 4/4 respectively to obtain:

(141x * 3)/(4 * 3) - (24x * 4)/(3 * 4) = -144

423x/12 - 96x/12 = -144

Step 5: Combine like terms:

(423x - 96x)/12 = -144

327x/12 = -144

Step 6: Isolate x by multiplying both sides of the equation by the reciprocal of the coefficient of x on the left side:

[(12 * 327x)/12] * (1/327) = -144 * (1/327)

x = -144/327

x ≈ -0.4402

So, the solution to the equation is x ≈ -0.4402.