Macario is making 17 pounds of nut mixture with macadamia nuts and almonds. Macadamia nuts cost $9 per pound and almonds cost $5.75 per pound. How many pounds of almonds should Macario use for the mixture to cost $127.00 per pound to make.

There is no way to mix $9/lb and $6/lb nuts to make a mixture that costs $127/lb.

I assume you posted the other similar nuts question, since it has the same mistake. See the solution to that one for the method for this one.

Macario is making 17 pounds of nut mixture with macadamia nuts and almonds. Macadamia nuts cost $9 per pound and almonds cost $5.75 per pound. How many pounds of almonds should Macario use for the mixture to cost $127.00 per pound to make


To find how many pounds of almonds Macario should use, we need to set up an equation based on the given information.

Let's assume Macario uses x pounds of almonds.

Since Macario is making 17 pounds of nut mixture, the weight of macadamia nuts can be calculated by subtracting the weight of almonds from the total weight of the mixture:

Weight of macadamia nuts = Total weight of mixture - Weight of almonds
Weight of macadamia nuts = 17 pounds - x pounds

The cost of the mixture is the sum of the costs of macadamia nuts and almonds:

Cost of mixture = Cost of macadamia nuts + Cost of almonds

The cost of macadamia nuts can be calculated by multiplying the weight of macadamia nuts by the cost per pound:

Cost of macadamia nuts = (Weight of macadamia nuts) * ($9 per pound)
Cost of macadamia nuts = (17 - x) * $9

The cost of almonds can be calculated by multiplying the weight of almonds by the cost per pound:

Cost of almonds = (Weight of almonds) * ($5.75 per pound)
Cost of almonds = x * $5.75

We're given that the cost of the mixture is $127.00. So, we set up the equation:

$127.00 = (17 - x) * $9 + x * $5.75

To solve for x, let's simplify the equation:

$127.00 = $153 - $9x + $5.75x
$127.00 = $153 - $3.25x

Now, let's isolate the variable x:

$3.25x = $153 - $127.00
$3.25x = $26.00

Divide both sides by $3.25:

x = $26.00 / $3.25
x = 8

Therefore, Macario should use 8 pounds of almonds for the mixture to cost $127.00 per pound to make.