At 1:30 Marlon left his house to go to the beach, a distance of

9.375 miles. He rose his skateboard until 2:15, and then walked the rest of the way. He arrived at the beach at 3:00. Marlon's speed on his skateboard is 1.5 times his walking speed. Find his speed when skateboarding and when walking.

We are asked to find Marlon's speed when skateboarding and when walking. Let’s let r represent his walking speed in miles per hour. Marlon’s speed on his skateboard is 2 times his walking speed, which we can represent as 2r. Marlon rode his skateboard from 1:30 until 2:15, or for 34 of an hour. So he rode a distance of 34(2r) miles. Marlon walked from 2:15 until 3:00, another 34 hour. So he walked a distance of 34r miles. The sum of the distances Marlon traveled by skateboard and walking is 7.2 miles, which translates to the equation

Thus Marlon's walking speed is 3.2 miles per hour and his skateboarding speed is 2r=6.4 miles per hour.

To find Marlon's speed when skateboarding and when walking, we need to use the given information and a formula for average speed. The formula for average speed is:

Average speed = distance ÷ time

Let's first calculate the time he spent skateboarding. Marlon left his house at 1:30 and arrived at the beach at 3:00, so the total time he spent traveling is 3:00 - 1:30 = 1.5 hours.

Next, let's calculate the distance he covered while skateboarding. Marlon traveled a total distance of 9.375 miles to reach the beach. Since he walked the remaining distance, we can subtract the distance he walked from the total distance to find the distance he skateboarded. The distance he walked is the total distance minus the distance he skateboarded, which is 9.375 - distance walked.

Now, we can use the formula for average speed to find Marlon's speed while skateboarding. We know the distance he skateboarded, which is 9.375 - distance walked, and the time he spent skateboarding, which is 1.5 hours:

Average speed while skateboarding = (9.375 - distance walked) ÷ 1.5

Since Marlon's speed while skateboarding is 1.5 times his walking speed, we can write a proportion:

Average speed while skateboarding ÷ Marlon's walking speed = 1.5

Now we can solve for Marlon's walking speed:

Marlon's walking speed = Average speed while skateboarding ÷ 1.5

Substitute the value of Marlon's walking speed back into the proportion to solve for the average speed while skateboarding and Marlon's walking speed.

By solving these equations, we can find the values of Marlon's speed when skateboarding and when walking.

walking speed --- x mph

skating speed ---- 3x/2 mph ------ or --- (1.5)x

time skating = 2:15 - 1:30 = 45 minutes or 3/4 hr
time walking = 3:00 - 2.15 = 45 minutes

distance skating = (3/4)(3x/2) = 9x/8
distance walking = (3/4)x = 3x/4

9x/8 + 3x/4 = 9.375
times 8
9x + 6x = 75

carry on

At 1:30 Marlon left his house to go to the beach, a distance of

11.25 miles. He rode his skateboard until 2:15, and then walked the rest of the way. He arrived at the beach at 3:00. Marlon's speed on his skateboard is 2 times his walking speed. Find his speed when skateboarding and when walking.

I don't know how to translate this to be able to solve it. i know that his walking speed would be x and his skating speed because it is doubled would be 2x. i dont understand how to make the time fit into this. if he has walked 45 min for both walking and skating then he traveled for 90 minutes which would be translated to 1.5 . Where do i go from here

1:30 to 2:15 = 3/4 hour

2:15 to 3:00 = 3/4 hour

If his walking speed is w, then we have

3/4 * 3/2 w + 3/4 * w = 9.375 = 75/8

Now just solve for w...

The walking is 5. but I can not figure the skating. Help me please.

So x (the walking speed) is 5, that is correct.

Look how I had defined the skating speed.
it was 3x/2, so
what is 3(5)/2 ???