It takes a runner 3 h, 32 min, 26 s to run a marathon. If the distance of a marathon is 42.2 km, what is the average speed of the runner?

anyone know?

speed is distance divided by time

meters per second is probably easiest

To find the average speed of the runner, we need to divide the distance covered by the time taken.

First, we need to convert the time from hours, minutes, and seconds to a single unit.

3 hours is equal to 3 * 60 * 60 seconds = 10,800 seconds.
32 minutes is equal to 32 * 60 seconds = 1,920 seconds.
26 seconds is already in seconds.

So the total time taken is 10,800 + 1,920 + 26 = 12,746 seconds.

Now we can calculate the average speed by dividing the distance of the marathon by the time taken:

Average speed = distance / time
Average speed = 42.2 km / 12,746 seconds

To convert kilometers to meters, we multiply by 1000:

Average speed = (42.2 km * 1000) / 12,746 seconds

Simplifying, we get:

Average speed ≈ 3.31 meters/second.

Therefore, the average speed of the runner is approximately 3.31 meters/second.