Who's calling, plese.

- This is Emily. I'll call back later.
1. I'll call again later.
Can we use 'call again' instead of 'call back'?

Both are correct and commonly used.

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Yes, you can use "call again" instead of "call back" in certain contexts. Both phrases convey the idea of making a phone call at a later time. However, there is a subtle difference in usage.

"Call back" typically implies that the person who missed the call will be returning the call to the original caller. For example, if you missed a call from Emily and she says, "I'll call back later," it means she will be the one initiating the next call to you.

On the other hand, "call again" suggests that the person who missed the call will be making another attempt to reach the person they were trying to call. For example, if Emily missed your call and she says, "I'll call again later," it means she will be initiating a new call to you the next time.

So, while "call back" implies a response to a missed call from someone specific, "call again" simply indicates the intention to make another call without specifying to whom the call will be made.

In summary, both phrases can be used interchangeably in some cases, but "call back" is more commonly used when specifically referring to returning a missed call from a specific person.