Julia spent 1/3 of her birthday money and she lost half of the rest now she has $10 left how much did she get for her birthday

spent 1/3, so 2/3 left

lost half of that, or 1/3

so, she has 1/3 left.

That is $10, so she started with $30

today is my mom's birthday

To find out how much Julia received for her birthday, we can work backwards using the information provided.

1. Let's assume that the amount Julia had after she lost half of the remaining money is represented by "x."
2. We know that Julia spent 1/3 of her birthday money, so what she had left after that is 2/3 of the total amount. Thus, we can write the equation: (2/3) * p = x, where "p" represents the total amount of Julia's birthday money.
3. We also know that Julia has $10 left, which is equal to the value of "x" from step 2. So we can write the equation: x = $10.
4. Substitute the value of "x" from step 3 into the equation from step 2: (2/3) * p = $10.
5. Solve for "p" by isolating it. Multiply both sides of the equation by the reciprocal of (2/3), which is 3/2: p = ($10) * (3/2).
6. Simplify the equation: p = $30/2 = $15.

Therefore, Julia received $15 for her birthday.

To find out how much Julia got for her birthday, we can work backwards from the information provided.

Let's assume the amount Julia got for her birthday is represented by the variable "x".

According to the given information, Julia spent 1/3 of her birthday money, which means she has 2/3 of her birthday money remaining.

Therefore, 2/3 of the birthday money (2/3 * x) is the amount Julia had after spending 1/3 of it.

Next, we are told she lost half of the remaining money. So, the amount she lost would be 1/2 of the money she had left (1/2 * (2/3 * x)).

The new amount she has after losing half of the remaining money is given as $10.

Using this information, we can set up an equation and solve for x:

2/3 * x - 1/2 * (2/3 * x) = $10

To simplify the equation, we can first multiply both sides by 6 to get rid of the fractions:

4x - 2 * (2x) = $60

Simplifying the equation further:

4x - 4x = $60

0 = $60

Since this equation is not possible, there seems to be an error in the given information or calculation steps. Please recheck the statements provided to find a valid solution.