The average monthly temperatures in New Orleans, Louisiana, are

given in the following tables: (14)
Month J F M A M J
°C 16.5 18.3 21.8 25.6 29.2 31.9
Month J A S O N D
°C 32.6 32.4 30.3 26.4 21.3 18.0
What is the range of this function?
What is the average yearly temperature?

To find the range of this function, we'll need to determine the difference between the highest and lowest values in the dataset.

In the first table, the highest value is 31.9°C in June, and the lowest value is 16.5°C in January.

In the second table, the highest value is 32.6°C in July and the lowest value is 18.0°C in December.

To find the overall range, we need to take the highest and lowest values from both tables.

The highest value is 32.6°C in July, and the lowest value is 16.5°C in January. Therefore, the range of this function is 32.6 - 16.5 = 16.1°C.

To find the average yearly temperature, we need to sum up all the temperatures across the months and divide by the number of months.

For the first table, the sum of all the temperatures is 16.5 + 18.3 + 21.8 + 25.6 + 29.2 + 31.9 = 143.3°C.

For the second table, the sum of all the temperatures is 32.6 + 32.4 + 30.3 + 26.4 + 21.3 + 18.0 = 160.0°C.

Adding the sums from both tables, 143.3 + 160.0 = 303.3°C.

Since there are 12 months in a year, we divide the sum by 12 to find the average: 303.3°C / 12 = 25.28°C.

Therefore, the average yearly temperature is approximately 25.28°C.

The range is the lowest and highest average monthly temperatures.

The average yearly temperature is the sum of the monthly temperatures divided by 12.