write each as an algebraic expression.



2 (x+ 5)


4a(exponet 2)


im majorly confused, please help omf




Honestly, I do not understand what the teacher wants either.

What number is 1,000,000 greater than 337,676

She wants you to translate them into a word problem lol. I was able to do most of them but these have me stumped

a) I had 1/5 of three times as many moths as sally had. How many did I have?

b) ten plus twice her age

c) I had four squares of each side a. What was the total area?

Sure, I'd be happy to help! Let's break down each expression step-by-step.

1) 3m/5:
To express this as an algebraic expression, you can use the division symbol ("/") or write it as a fraction. So, 3m/5 means "3 times m divided by 5." This can also be written as (3m)/5. It indicates that you multiply the variable 'm' by 3 first and then divide the result by 5.

2) 2(x + 5):
To express this as an algebraic expression, you need to apply the distributive property. The distributive property states that when a number (in this case, 2) is multiplied by a group of terms (x + 5), you distribute the multiplication to each term inside the parentheses. So, 2(x + 5) means "2 times (x + 5)". Applying the distributive property, you multiply 2 by 'x' and '5' separately. This can also be written as 2x + 10.

3) 4a^2:
To express this as an algebraic expression, you use the exponent, which indicates you should multiply the base (a) by itself '2' times. So, 4a^2 means "4 times a squared". This is equivalent to 4 * (a * a) or 4 * a * a. Therefore, the algebraic expression is 4a * a or 4a^2.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.