Which aquartic biome would cypress, cedar, and dogwood trees, and submerged floating plants ne located?

Lakes and Ponds

Streams and RIvers


Freshwater Marsh

Saltwater Marsh

Intertidal Zone

To determine which aquatic biome would typically contain cypress, cedar, and dogwood trees, as well as submerged floating plants, we can start by eliminating some options. The Intertidal Zone, which refers to the area between low and high tide, is primarily characterized by saltwater environments, so it's unlikely to find these specific tree species there.

Next, the Saltwater Marsh primarily contains salt-tolerant plants, and while some submerged floating plants can be found there, cypress, cedar, and dogwood trees do not commonly grow in these areas.

Moving forward, Streams and Rivers usually do not provide the necessary conditions for cypress, cedar, and dogwood trees to thrive. While they may have some submerged floating plants, these trees are more commonly found in other environments.

Freshwater Marshes are home to cypress trees, and while cedar and dogwood trees can potentially grow in these areas, they are not as common. However, submerged floating plants can be found in freshwater marshes.

This leaves us with two remaining options: Lakes and Ponds, and Swamps. Both of these biomes can provide suitable conditions for the growth of cypress, cedar, and dogwood trees, as well as submerged floating plants. While cypress trees are more commonly associated with swamps, they can also be found in lakes and ponds. Ultimately, the presence of submerged floating plants suggests that the most likely aquatic biome for all these specified species would be Swamps.

Therefore, the correct answer is Swamps.