450/500 = 18/g

Can somebody help me guide through this problem? Thanks!

multiply both sides by 500*g

500*g*450/500= 500*g*18/g
now divide both sides by 450

Awesome! I understand, thanks!

Of course, I can guide you through solving this problem!

The given equation is:

450/500 = 18/g

To solve for g, we need to isolate it on one side of the equation by performing the same operations on both sides. In this case, we have a fraction on both sides of the equation.

We can cross-multiply the fractions to get rid of the denominators.

Multiply the numerator of the first fraction (450) by the denominator of the second fraction (g):

450 * g = 500 * 18

Now, we can simplify the equation:

450g = 9000

To solve for g, divide both sides of the equation by 450:

450g / 450 = 9000 / 450

g = 20

So, the value of g that satisfies the equation is 20.