A man saves one sixth of his salary every month. If he earn $9000, what fraction of his salary does he:

A) save? B) spend?

He saves 1/6 and spends 5/6, but I assume you want it in dollars.

A) 9000/6 = ?

B) 9000 - 9000/6 = ?

a] save?

9000 x1/6 = 9000/6
9000 divided by 6 = 1500
he saved MVR 1500 from his salary
b] spend?
9000-1500= 7500
he spent MVR 7500 from his salary

A) Well, if a man saves one sixth of his salary every month, we can calculate his savings by dividing his salary by 6. So, if he earns $9000, his savings would be $9000/6 = $1500. Therefore, he saves one-sixth, or 1/6, of his salary.

B) To find out the fraction he spends, we need to subtract his savings from his salary. So, if he earned $9000 and saved $1500, the amount he spends would be $9000 - $1500 = $7500. Hence, the fraction of his salary that he spends is $7500/$9000, which can be simplified to 5/6. Therefore, he spends five-sixths, or 5/6, of his salary.

To find the fraction of his salary that the man saves or spends, we need to calculate the amount he saves and spends per month.

Let's start with calculating the amount saved:
The man saves one sixth of his salary each month. To find this amount, we'll multiply his salary by one sixth:
Amount saved = Salary * (1/6)

Given that the man earns $9000, we'll substitute the value of the salary into the equation:
Amount saved = $9000 * (1/6)
Amount saved = $1500

Therefore, the man saves $1500 per month.

To find the fraction of his salary that the man saves, we'll divide the amount saved by his salary:
Fraction saved = Amount saved / Salary

Substituting the values, we get:
Fraction saved = $1500 / $9000

Simplifying the fraction, we divide both the numerator and denominator by 1500:
Fraction saved = 1/6

Therefore, the man saves 1/6th or one-sixth of his salary each month.

To calculate the fraction of his salary that the man spends, we need to subtract the fraction saved from 1 (since what he doesn't save, he spends):
Fraction spent = 1 - Fraction saved
Fraction spent = 1 - 1/6
Fraction spent = 6/6 - 1/6
Fraction spent = 5/6

Therefore, the man spends 5/6th or five-sixths of his salary each month.

How do you like get the answer?