for every 4 red balloons i have there will be 9 blue.

How many red balloons would i have if there are 27 red balloons?

To find out how many red balloons you would have if there are 27 red balloons, you can use the given ratio between red and blue balloons.

The ratio states that for every 4 red balloons, there are 9 blue balloons. To solve this, you can set up a proportion:

4 red balloons / 9 blue balloons = 27 red balloons / x

We need to find the value of x, which represents the number of red balloons.

To solve the proportion, we can cross-multiply:

(4 red balloons) * (x) = (27 red balloons) * (9 blue balloons)

Rearranging the equation:

4x = 27 * 9

Now, we can solve for x by dividing both sides of the equation by 4:

x = (27 * 9) / 4

Performing the calculations:

x = 243 / 4

x ≈ 60.75

Hence, if there are already 27 red balloons, then you would have approximately 60.75 red balloons, which you can round up to 61 red balloons.

Do w you mean "How many blue balloons?"

Blue = 27/4 * 9 =