Of three numbers, second is twice the first and is also thrice the third. If the average of three numbers is 44, find the largest.

pl explain how can we find z. what is the answer.

clear the fraction, and you have

x+y+z = 3*44 = 132

Now, since y=2x=3z,
2x=3z, and x = 3z/2

Now just add them up and you have

3z/2 + 3z + z = 132
11z/2 = 132
z = 132 * 2/11 = 24

Thank u sir.

To find the largest of three numbers, we need to first set up equations based on the given information.

Let's suppose the first number is x. According to the given information, the second number is twice the first, so it would be 2x. The third number is one-third of the second, so it would be 1/3 * 2x = (2/3)x.

We know that the average of these three numbers is 44. The average of three numbers is the sum of the numbers divided by three. So, we can set up the following equation:

(x + 2x + (2/3)x) / 3 = 44

Now we can solve this equation to find the value of x.

(6/3)x + (2/3)x = 44 * 3
(8/3)x = 132
x = (3/8) * 132
x = 49.5

So, the first number is 49.5. Now, we can find the second number by multiplying it by 2: 2 * 49.5 = 99. And the third number is (2/3) * 99 = 66.

Now, we need to find the largest number among these three. So, the largest number is 99.

If the three numbers are x,y,z, then we know that

y = 2x
y = 3z
(x+y+z)/3 = 44

Now just find z.