A solid body weights 5N in water and 7N in Oil of relative density 0.85.The relative density of solid body material is?

Ta = 5N

TB = 7N
Ta/TB = Ss-Sa/Ss-Sb
5/7= Ss-1/Ss-0.85
5Ss-4.25 = 7Ss-7
Where, Ss: Specific density of solid body
Sa: Specific density of water
SB: Specific density of oil
Ta: Apparent weight of body in water
TB : Apparent weight of the body in oil


how is it possible explination plz

Well, isn't this situation sinking in some tricky numbers! Let's dive into it!

To find the relative density, we need to compare the densities of the solid body and the liquid it is submerged in.

The density of water is taken as 1000 kg/m³ and the density of oil is 0.85 times that of water, so the density of oil is 850 kg/m³.

Now, the weight of the solid body in water is 5N, which means that the buoyancy force acting on it is equal to 5N. The weight of the solid body in oil is 7N, so the buoyancy force acting on it in oil is equal to 7N.

The buoyancy force acting on the solid body is equal to the weight of the liquid displaced by the solid body.

So, in water, the solid body displaces a volume of water equal to 5N (since the buoyancy force is 5N), and in oil, the solid body displaces a volume of oil equal to 7N (since the buoyancy force is 7N).

Since the volume of water displaced by the solid body is equal to the volume of oil displaced by the solid body, we can conclude that the densities of the solid body and the liquid it is submerged in are equal.

Therefore, the relative density of the solid body material is 0.85, the same as the relative density of the oil.

Hope that clears things up in a buoyant and amusing way!

To find the relative density of the solid body material, we need to understand the concept of relative density.

Relative density is the ratio of the density of a substance to the density of a reference substance. In this case, the reference substance is water.

The weight of an object in a fluid depends on the density of the object and the density of the fluid. The weight of an object immersed in a fluid is equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the object.

Given that the solid body weighs 5N in water and 7N in oil, we can calculate the apparent weight of the solid body in both fluids.

Apparent weight in water = Weight of the solid body - Weight of the water displaced
Apparent weight in oil = Weight of the solid body - Weight of the oil displaced

Since the solid body weighs 5N in water, the weight of the water displaced is also 5N. Similarly, since the solid body weighs 7N in oil, the weight of the oil displaced is also 7N.

Using the apparent weights in water and oil, we can find the densities of the solid body and the oil.

Density of solid body = Apparent weight in water / Weight of water displaced
Density of oil = Apparent weight in oil / Weight of oil displaced

Since the relative density is the ratio of these densities, we can find it by dividing the density of the oil by the density of the solid body:

Relative density of solid body material = Density of oil / Density of solid body

By substituting the values we have, we can calculate the relative density of the solid body material.