Simplify the following by collecting like terms:-

2y add 3x add 7y - x equals

Sorry cant find mathematical signs.

2y add 3x add 7y - x equals

2y + 3x + 7y - x =

9y + 2x =

Thank you Ms.sue.

No problem! I'll assume that the missing mathematical signs are addition (+) signs.

To simplify the expression by collecting like terms, we need to combine the variables with the same letter and add or subtract their coefficients.

The given expression is:
2y + 3x + 7y - x

First, let's combine the y terms. We have 2y and 7y, so we add their coefficients:
2y + 7y = 9y

Next, let's combine the x terms. We have 3x and -x, so we subtract their coefficients:
3x - x = 2x

Now, our simplified expression becomes:
9y + 2x

Therefore, the simplified form of the expression 2y + 3x + 7y - x is 9y + 2x.