Estimate 420,983 + 39,932

421,000 + 40,000 = 461,000

To estimate the sum of 420,983 + 39,932, you can round each number to the nearest thousand.

First, round 420,983 to the nearest thousand. Since the hundreds digit is 0, you can keep the thousands digit unchanged and set everything after it to 0. So, 420,983 rounded to the nearest thousand is 421,000.

Next, round 39,932 to the nearest thousand. The hundreds digit is 9, so you need to round up to the next thousand. Set the thousands digit to 4 and everything after it to 0. Thus, 39,932 rounded to the nearest thousand is 40,000.

Now, add the rounded numbers: 421,000 + 40,000 = 461,000.

Therefore, the estimated sum of 420,983 + 39,932 is 461,000.