
1)Line AB parallel to Ray CD perpendicular to line EF

2)Line GH perpendicular to line IJ,Line GH perpendicular to Line KL and Line IJ perpendicular to Line KL

3)Line Segment BC coplanar to Line TS

Cannot draw on these posts.

Pinche socratic no me da niuna pinche respuesta inga tu culo

To draw the given configurations, we can follow these steps:

1) Line AB parallel to Ray CD perpendicular to line EF:
- Draw line EF. This will serve as our reference line.
- Draw point A on line EF.
- Draw line segment CD starting from point A and extending beyond line EF.
- Draw a ray starting from point A and extending in the direction opposite to CD.
- Line AB should be drawn parallel to the ray CD. Start from point A and draw the line such that it does not intersect line EF.

2) Lines GH, IJ, and KL perpendicular to each other:
- Draw line KL.
- Draw line GH intersecting line KL at a right angle. This means that GH should be drawn as a vertical line intersecting KL.
- Draw line IJ intersecting line KL at a right angle. This means that IJ should be drawn as a horizontal line intersecting KL.

3) Line Segment BC coplanar to Line TS:
- Draw line TS. This will serve as our reference line.
- Draw point B on line TS.
- Draw line segment BC starting from point B.
- Line BC should be drawn on the same plane as line TS, meaning they should not intersect if extended.

Remember, it is always helpful to use a ruler and a protractor for precision while drawing lines and angles.